Yes, you can use your WeSwap card online.
If the merchant asks you which currency you want to pay in, select the currency you want to pay in, as long as you have funds in it.
It's possible that the card won't work for certain websites if:
- To maintain the security of our cards online, either the 3DS or CVV2 (numbers at the back of the card) is required to successfully proceed with the payment, as our cards are pre-paid travel cards designed for electronic use only. So, if neither of them is requested, the card will be declined
- If the merchant doesn't have the 3DS enabled (like some merchants depending on the country, for Airbnb) the transaction will be declined. To maintain the security of your card online, the 3DS is required
- The merchant/website may not accept prepaid cards
- Some US merchants/websites won't accept cards with billing address not registered in the US
- The billing address you enter online is not the same as your WeSwap card. If you have moved address please let us know so we can update your details
If the merchant processes the card datils at a later time (these are called "card not present" (CNP) transactions). Typically, this occurs with some hotel websites and aggregate booking companies (like comparison sites) or for transactions over the phone. This is because, although you enter or give all details of your card, the electronic data of the card is not captured at the time of the payment (as usually happens with online transactions) and the actual transaction is processed at a later time, manually on a card terminal (by a back-office team).