With the WeSwap App you can enable or disable different kind of transactions, this is an extra security feature added to give you the power to enable or not some transactions whenever you want.
In the card tab, under your card picture, scrolling down you will see a series of switches:
- Suspend WeSwap Card - You switch this to yellow when you want to temporarily lock your card (i.e. you it’s lost/stolen or you want to store it until the next travel), when the switch is yellow all transactions will be declined.
- Contactless payments – To allow contactless transactions the switch needs to be yellow. If you wish to deactivate contactless payments, click on the switch and this will turn grey .
- Online payments - To allow online transactions the switch needs to be yellow. If you wish to deactivate online payments, click on the switch and this will turn grey .
- ATM withdrawals - To allow ATM withdrawals the switch needs to be yellow. If you wish to deactivate ATM withdrawals, click on the switch and this will turn grey .
All magstripe payments are currently disabled, we’ll introduce this feature in the future - watch this space!
Below the switches, if you click on "Limit", you can set your own monthly spending limits. This is helpful if you want to control your spending and feel you would prefer lower limits than our set ones.