To validate your account:
- Log into your account
- Click on the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner of the home page
- Click on Personal Details
- At the Bottom of the Personal Details page you will see the status of your verification in the Documents section
If you can see Verify OK in green (or Documents Verified), then you don't need to provide any further documents as your account has been validated. You can go ahead: load and order your new card!
If you see Verify Document, click on it and follow the steps below:
- You will have a view of each one of the documents we require for verification (proof of identity, selfie, proof of address)
- Click into each required document verification field, select the country where the document is issued from and then take a picture to upload it
- You will need to enable the camera to take pictures of the documents to upload
- As screenshots are not accepted for proof of address documents, you also have the option to upload the PDF files of your online statements downloaded on your mobile phone. To upload the PDF files you will need to allow access to your photos, and when you go into photos you will see the option to upload files at the location your downloads are saved
- Select the document you want and then upload for verification.
Keep an eye on the status of your documents in the Personal Details section.
If any of the documents you upload fail the verification check this FAQ.